Paper Changer from Stephen's Software CONGRATULATIONS on choosing Paper Changer, the easiest way to regularly change your desktop wallpaper. If you have Word or a Word viewer please read "Paper changer help - Word.doc" as this contains pictures not available in this text version. Introduction Using Paper Changer you can make your Windows desktop wallpaper change every day, or every boot up, between a list of pictures of your choice, either picking a picture at random, or going through in order. Alternatively, you can make your wallpaper change to specific pictures at set times of the day. Tutorial Most of Paper Changer is self-explanatory, so feel free to experiment before reading this tutorial. Please do, however, read the information about registering Paper Changer at the end of this guide. Installation: Run the file Setup.exe and follow on-screen instructions. NOTE: You will need to have VB40032.DLL installed on your system before running this - if you have not got this file (it should be in your Windows\System folder) you can download it from the Microsoft web site. Setup: Please create a shortcut to the file "Paper Changer Startup.exe", which you'll find in the folder where you installed Paper Changer (usually c:\Program Files\Paper Changer\), in the StartUp section of your Start Menu - for details on doing this see the note at the end of the tutorial. Also create a shortcut to the file "Paper Changer Options.exe" in a convenient place on the Start Menu. To launch Paper Changer click on the shortcut to Paper Changer Options on the Start Menu. Configuring Paper Changer: You'll see the main screen when you start Paper Changer. Use the drive selector and folder browser to find the pictures you want to use. Double click on the filenames in the file listing to add them to the list of files to use. Then choose whether you want to have the pictures displayed in order - "Sequential" - or in a random order - "Random" - and whether you want the wallpaper to be changed every day - "Daily" - or every time you boot up your computer - "Every boot up". Click Exit to leave the program; next time you restart the computer your wallpaper will be changed. Alternatively, if you want the wallpaper changed at set times throughout the day, click the "Change at fixed time" box, and then click "Settings...". A new window will appear: Click the checkboxes beside the number of different times you want to have your wallpaper changed at. Then type the time into the two boxes to the left of the checkbox, hours in the left hand one, minutes in the right hand one. Click on the "picture to use box", find the picture (using the drive selector, folder browser and file listing boxes) and double-click on it. Repeat this process for all the times you want pictures for. Click "Exit" to return to the main screen, or "Cancel" to lose any changes you have made. (Note: When you boot up the wallpaper will be set to the nearest picture before the current time.) To exit the program, click "Exit" on the main screen. Registering This program has taken me a long time to write, making everything work correctly and testing for bugs. In return for all this hard work, all I ask is that if you find the program useful (as I do) you should register it for the very small amount of £5 (five pounds sterling). I'm sure you'll agree that a program as helpful and time-saving as this is worth that much. When you register you get all these benefits: - No more nag screens when you start the program. - No limit to the number of pictures you can use (in the unregistered version there is a limit of 2 pictures) - You'll receive notification by e-mail (if you want) whenever a new version of this program is released. - The registration of this program will be valid for all future updates of it. - You'll get a warm feeling inside that you've done the right thing by registering - You'll encourage me to continue writing programs, which may be of use to you. All this, for only £5 !! I've tried to make registration as simple as possible. Just fill in the form below with your name and e-mail address (exactly as you want to type them in on the registration form), print it, and send it, along with £5, either as a British cheque made payable to Mr. S. J. Rymill or five pounds sterling as cash, to the address below. (NOTE: Please do NOT send any other currencies - they will NOT be accepted). I will then send you, by e-mail, the code needed to register the program. This should be entered, with your name and e-mail address, in the Registration window, accessed by clicking Register on the main screen. All limitations of the unregistered version will then be removed!! ******* Legal information: THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. THE ENTIRE RISK OF THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE IS ASSUMED BY YOU. This software remains the property of the author. This software may not be modified in any way. ******* Registration form: ----------------- Please send me the registration code for Paper Changer. I enclose a British cheque for £5 made payable to Mr. S. J. Rymill, or five pounds sterling as cash. Name (required): E-mail address (required): Address (optional): Where you heard about Paper Changer (optional): Comments about Paper Changer (optional): Do you want to be notified by email of updates to Paper Changer? Yes/No Send this to: Mr. S. J. Rymill 77 Cromwell Road, Worcester Park, Surrey, KT4 7JR England -------------- If you have any queries, comments or questions please e-mail me at Note on adding shortcut to Start Menu: Click on "Start, Settings, Taskbar, Start Menu Programs, Add, Browse" and double click on the file "Paper Changer Startup.exe" in the folder where it was installed (by default 'c:\Program Files\Paper Changer'), and click "Next". Scroll down the list and click "Startup" then Next. Finally click "Finish, OK". ***** Have fun using Paper Changer!! Stephen Rymill